
Similar to iOS transitions, maestro aggregate views (i.e TabController, NavController, DynamicController), allow developers to have direct control over how views transition to one another.

The mechanism for this is the BaseTransition class, which is extended by NodeClasses, to easily create transitions.


To use a transition, simply set the transition property of a BaseAggregateView to an instance of a transition. The next time the view's change, maestro will use that object to manage the transition.

Built in transitions

There are 2 out-of-the-box transitions one can use:

Order of events

For child views (i.e. those being managed by the transition), the order of events is:

Custom transitions

The BaseTransition manages the showing and hiding of aggregate container views. It has the following properties: - progress - the current transition progress from 0 to 1 - source - the source view (currently shown in the aggregate view) - target - the new view to show - owner - the aggregate view (e.g. TabController / DynamicContainer)

One is intended to override the begin function, which will:

To create a custom transition

  1. Create a new NodeClass that extends mv.transitions.BaseTransition
  2. Add fields as necessary
  3. Call super on the constructor with your transition name (this set's the loggers name)
  4. Override begin method
  5. Call m.finish, when the transition is finished


import "pkg:/source/view/NodeClass.bs"
import "pkg:/source/view/Animation.bs"
import "pkg:/source/core/Utils.bs"
import "pkg:/source/view/transitions/BaseTransition.bs"

namespace mv.transitions
  ' /**
  '  * @module BaseTransition
  '  * @description BaseTransition component. extend this to create other transitions
  '  */
  @node("mv_FadeTransition", "Group")
  class FadeTransition extends mv.transitions.BaseTransition

    public color as string

    public size = [1920, 1080]

    public duration = 2

    private fadeRectangle
    private blackFadeAnim

    function new()
    end function

    protected override function begin()
      if m.fadeRectangle = invalid
        m.fadeRectangle = mc.createSGNode("mv_Rectangle", m.owner, "fadeRectangle")
        m.blackFadeAnim = mv.animations.utils.fadeTo(m.fadeRectangle, duration, 1, false)
        m.blackFadeAnim.setKeys([0, 0.5, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0])
      end if

      m.blackFadeAnim.onFraction(0.5, function(f)
        if m.source <> invalid and not m.source.isSameNode(m.target)
          m.source.visible = false
        end if
        if m.owner.isShown
          view.visible = true
        end if

      end function, m)

      m.blackFadeAnim.onFraction(1, function(f)
      end function, m)

      m.fadeRectangle.size = m.top.size
      m.fadeRectangle.color = m.top.color

    end function

  end class
end namespace